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Tradishional Italian Clothing

You couldn't miss a performance by Italian folk musicians or dancers if you tried -- their colorful costumes will definitely catch your eye. The women wear colorful embroidered skirts and bodices over light-weight chemises or blouses, with elaborate hats decorated with flowers or fruit. Men's traditional clothing tends to be simpler, but doesn't lack from attention to detail, with embroidery and metal buttons and pins. These costumes evolved from simpler peasant dress in the Middle Ages. (GRABIANOWSKI, 2015)
Italian peasants wore practical clothing for their daily activities, with simple pants and shirts for the men and blouses and skirts for the women, sometimes with a bodice. Most items were made from simple fabrics, wool being very common. Color selection was limited to inexpensive gray and black dyes. One notable traditional Italian fabric is a waterproof type of wool called orbace. Even the uniforms of Mussolini's infamous Black Shirts were made from orbace. (GRABIANOWSKI, 2015)
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